Month: February 2021

Adjustment Disorder With Severe Anxiety FAQs

Every one of us goes through stressful life events. Some may experience a sudden change, while others take time with the slow process. There are instances that people deal with the stressors in a very applicable way, while others struggle in keeping their physical, emotional, and mental health in shape. And when there is too much stressful event, the reaction and risk factors tend to go stronger and more unexpected.


In some life events, people understand the need for adjustment. However, not everyone has the courage and strength to deal with it. Thus, they experienced a mental and emotional breakdown. Sometimes, they begin to feel uncomfortable with their life decisions right away or after a few months, making them weak and vulnerable to all sorts of stressors.

Part of their mental health struggle (such as depression and anxiety) is the inability to know and understand what is happening to them. Sometimes, people think that their emotional or behavioral symptoms are acceptable because they are stressed. Well, in some instances, it can be. There is honestly no right and wrong behavior when you are dealing with other mental health disorders. That is because all the mixed anxiety and emotions are valid.


However, the problem is that some individuals do not understand how it affects others. Like for example, when someone is dealing with mixed anxiety and depressed mood, they think that when they throw rage and frustration at others, that is okay. Yes, some other people will understand that and might let it slip. But what about those who can’t deal with the emotional, verbal, physical, or mental torture that the one with a psychological condition throws at them? Is it safe to say that these mentally unstable people’s behaviors and actions are acceptable just because they are dealing with something?

The problem with mental health is that everyone and anything can trigger it. No one is exempted from the damage, and sometimes even those who handle themselves better can eventually experience mixed disturbance with their psychological impact.


Understanding The Condition And Everything That Goes With It


Adjustment And Anxiety Disorder


People dealing with anxiety disorder should pay attention to their triggers and symptoms. Though most of them are acceptable, they should understand that their behavior still affects other people. Their unrealistic and impractical decisions can still make a big difference that affects all aspects of their lives. Whether it may be their financial, school, work, social, romantic relationship, or any past experiences, anxiety can keep up and ruin things based on their approach. School symptoms of anxiety may manifest for children still in universities. Symptoms of adjustment issues can happen everywhere, including emotional, mental, and physical symptoms.


In some circumstances, adjustments may be required but not necessarily make a huge difference. For people who know how to handle themselves, adjusting can be a great way to take back control. It can help with self-regulation, mind-boosting, and emotional strength. But adjustments can be brutal for those who get easily overwhelmed with decisions and other changes they have to face. It can cause a lot of mental and emotional torture and sacrifices.


The idea of adjusting to one’s health situation and proving that people can easily adapt to it is somewhat of a cliché. Not all people are capable of understanding things in an instant. Those individuals who can easily comply with the changes should be proud of themselves because they are one of the few who can maintain their overall mental and emotional wellness without sacrificing a lot.


According to American Psychiatric Association (APA), a stressful event has been proven to be the root cause of adjustment anxiety and it can have acute and chronic forms. When asked by a mental health professional about your medical, mental health and social history. Someone who suffers from adjustment anxiety may refer to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), published by the American Psychiatric Association.


In line with the need for adjustment, some people struggle with the anxiety that accompanies it. Let us try and learn how adjustment disorder with anxiety affects life through these frequently asked questions.




How do you treat adjustment disorder with anxiety?

One way to treat adjustment disorder is through medications. A specific prescription reduces some of the symptoms of adjustment disorders, particularly insomnia, anxiety, and depression. Some of these medications are benzodiazepines or mostly known as Ativan and Xanax.

But note that before taking any of these medications, you need to consult your doctor first. Do not settle on the information you get from other people or the internet. Instead, follow a reliable source of the coping method from an expert or a licensed mental health professional.


Is adjustment disorder an anxiety disorder?

There is a huge difference between adjustment disorder with anxiety. Adjustment disorder often ends up positive as individuals see a large reduction in their mental disorders as they learn to adapt to life changes. On the other hand, anxiety is an ongoing battle of major emotional and mental health problems that sometimes lasts for a very long time. Though anxiety disorders and adjustment disorders are stress-related conditions, one can stay on mild symptoms for an extended period compared to the latter.

But of course, it is vital not to ignore the damaging symptoms of adjustment disorder. If the adjustment disorders anxiety from the necessary life changes takes a toll on your daily function, you need to work your way by keeping your emotional and mental health stable.


What causes the condition that goes along with anxiety?

Adjustment disorders come from significant stressors in life. Usually, the mental health condition’s common trigger is the sudden or unnecessary change people had to go through without warning. But factors causing adjustment disorder are not limited to that since genetics, stressful life experiences, and temperament can increase the likelihood of developing the disorder.


How do you overcome adjustment disorder?

Some individuals can get a hold of their adjustment disorder and work their way to treating it naturally. However, some need mental health professional treatment. People who can’t handle or manage the disorder require therapy, especially cognitive behavioral therapy and trauma-focused therapies. These treatment therapies help them achieve healthy coping skills that encourage them to make a positive attitude towards changes, build self-confidence, and set and achieve goals.


If by chance, therapy cannot seem to work alone in overcoming adjustment disorder, one needs to focus on self-awareness and self-care. There should be an allotted time, energy, and effort to keep one’s mental health in good condition. Also, one should include types of adjustment in their lifestyle.


How serious is an adjustment disorder?

Adjustment disorder accompanied by anxiety is somehow manageable with the right mindset and proper self-care. However, if the adjustment period becomes less comfortable and convenient and cannot resolve even a simple problem, it can eventually lead to serious mental health issues. It could increase the risk of having depression, anxiety disorders, and substance abuse.


When this happens, it is most recommended to consult a therapist right away.




What therapy is best for an adjustment disorder?

The best and most recommended therapy for adjustment disorder is Psychotherapy or also known as talk therapy. In some instances, a prescribed medication also helps. But note. It is significantly important to talk with your therapist about the options you have to manage your adjustment disorder better. Children or individuals with adjustment disorder may also benefit from family therapy. With the help of a therapist, family members can also help to make positive changes.


Is adjustment disorder a serious mental illness?

At some level, chronic adjustment disorder may feature symptoms longer than six or a few months. These symptoms can potentially cause major disruption in a person’s personal life as it affects his ability to create decisions, solve significant problems, and socially connect with others. Many people mistakenly think that adjustment disorder is caused by stress and is less serious than other psychological disorders. Unfortunately, it is not. Adjustment disorders may be an emotional response. But when not treated, it can quickly lead to depression, substance abuse, and other serious mental health problems. In another study, it also found that higher levels of anxiety can be linked to greater levels of dangerous driving or reckless driving.


Is adjustment disorder the same as PTSD?

No. Adjustment disorder is different from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Its response syndrome does not create the same reaction to a life-threatening event compared to PTSD. Adjustment disorder symptoms tend to last shorter periods as they deal with current stressful events or changes in the environment. PTSD, on the other hand, tends to last an extended period as it gets triggered by an overwhelmingly traumatic and stressful event.


Is adjustment disorder a disability?

There are lots of people that consider adjustment disorder as a disability. Perhaps that is because the condition makes it difficult for them to cope with stressful events, especially after getting exposed to a trigger.


How is an adjustment disorder diagnosed?

Diagnosing adjustment disorder can be quite hard due to its disorder symptoms associated with other mental health issues. Some Adjustment Disorder/Stress Response Syndrome (AD/SRS) symptoms include excessive worry, palpitations, feeling sad, hopelessness, headaches, anxiety, and frequent crying.

Note that even if these symptoms are generally present in adjustment disorder cases, you should understand that people deal with stressors differently as these negative emotions often promote a depressed mood. They experience triggers differently, so they also require different treatments.




 What is the drug of choice for anxiety?

The best drug choices for anxiety are antidepressant agents such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). It includes the most commonly prescribed medication, Benzodiazepines which are also known as tranquilizers. These are anti-anxiety drugs such as Xanax, Klonopin, Ativan, and Valium.

Please check with your therapist or doctor before taking any of these medications.


What is the disability rating for sEVERE wORRY?

A percentage from 0% to 100% can state the rating for anxiety, depression, or adjustment disorder. These ratings focus more on the individual’s self-care ability and occupational and social functioning. A total of 30 percent VA disability rating determines anxiety levels through mild and severe symptoms.


What does a 70 PTSD rating mean?

A 70% PTSD rating indicates an occupational and social impairment. It gets categorized with deficiencies in most areas of a person’s life, such as school, work, family member relations, romantic relations, judgment, cognitive ability, imagination, creativity, and mood. Sometimes, there is also a build-up of obsessional rituals that somehow interfere with routine activities.


Can I get a disability for severe worry and panic attacks

In some extreme cases of anxiety disorders, some symptoms can be severely debilitating. That is especially if it involves panic disorders, a series of phobias, generalized anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).


Are stress and severe worry considered a disability?

Mental health problems, particularly anxiety, stress, and even depression, will only be considered as disabilities if these conditions adversely impact the performance of an individual’s everyday activities, decision-making ability, problem-solving coping skills, self-awareness, and social connection.


Can you have adjustment disorder and anxiety?


What is DSM 5 adjustment disorder with anxiety?


What is an example of adjustment disorder?


Is adjustment disorder a mental illness?


Is adjustment disorder with anxiety curable?